HOWWWWWWLLLLOOOOOOOO Everybody!!!! ...or to nobody, since nobody has yet to follow me, Maybe because I'm so short?
Anyways my Momma was sick and could not type for me, I would do it myself but my toes are too fat :) But after lots of barking, she caved and started typing for me again. I have so much to tell you all! First of all,

I'm A Show dog!!!!!! And here is my proof :) I may be small, but momma and the judge agree I am Mighty! And speaking of showdogs, my littermate-brother just received a two-point win AND my Daddy Cain just received Multiple group wins! (I want to be like him when I grow up!) Go, Daddy Cain, Go!!!
Other than that, I have been, well, a Dog!

We have some Big news about my sister Chelsey, not only is she in training to be a service dog, she is also going to leave soon to go help boys in a detention center (I think its like a crate for people?) and change their lives too! I'm sad she is is momma, but we know she has a greater purpose then just being a chew toy and opening our cupboards all the time!